Spectra Line Industrial LLC focuses on providing high end, cost-effective technical solutions in the field of quality & process control, environmental protection, nuclear & radiation protection, geological & mining engineering solutions , mainly to Cement & Coal, Iron & steel, Oil & Gas and other minerals Industries globally.

We specialize in providing dedicated technical support & services including supply of parts, radioactive isotopes, radiation services and in-depth users training to all types of Gamma-ray on-line analyzers (PGNAA systems such as Gamma-Metrics, Geoscan etc) and X-ray analyzers (ARL, PANalytical and other XRF/XRD/OES systems)

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Our Services

PGNAA Analyzers

Gamma-ray On-line analyzers support & services - Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA)

We have over 100 man-years of combined experience in sales & services support of PGNAA systems worldwide. Our team consists of well trained professionals who have been supporting over 150 PGNAA systems in more than 35 countries for past 20 years. This experience includes being involved in the initial stage of project management, installation & commissioning, calibration, performance evaluation, technical support...

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X-ray Analyzers

X-ray analyzers support & services

We have expertise and well experienced team of professionals to support virtually all models and makes of X-ray analyzers, such as Thermo Fisher (ARL), PANalytical (Phillips), Bruker, Shimadzu etc.

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